Coming Full Circle 

Cissy Pope
We love having visitors at Hammond, but nothing makes us happier than a visit from those special individuals who have impacted the school in ways large and small across decades. One such individual is Adeline Lundy, not to be confused with her namesake, Adeline Lundy '22. Mrs. Lundy paid us a visit last week as life comes full circle for her.
During her tenure at Hammond, Mrs. Lundy wore many hats: science teacher, Guidance Counselor, Assistant Head, and even Interim Head. However, if you somehow missed her, a ride through the gates of Hammond proudly displays her name. In whatever role you remember her, she is sure to have made a lasting impact on your life … the same impact she made on Hammond. 
Throughout the history of Hammond, there have been many individuals who have helped shape and mold the school we enjoy today.  Of those who have given selflessly to furthering Hammond, Adeline Lundy has been a constant through many changes and challenges in the school’s history.  Although she retired in 2004 and no longer serves in an official capacity, her proudest role is arguably that of Hammond grandparent.  
Mrs. Lundy’s 32-year career spanned a wide variety of responsibilities, but throughout her time at Hammond, there was never a job from which she shied away.  In 1972, she was among the new faculty hires who joined the science department to teach biology while completing a master’s degree. The year found her teaching students, counseling parents and students, and providing general classroom maintenance, including scrubbing floors and washing cabinets. After then Head of School Ray Price’s tenure ended, Dr. Hagerman was hired as Head of School and brought drastic changes. During his second year, he asked Mrs. Lundy to serve as Assistant Head while also managing the College Counseling program.   
In 1988, a phone call from the Board of Directors changed the course of Mrs. Lundy’s career, and she soon found herself catapulted into a pivotal role in Hammond’s history.  At the Board’s urging, she accepted the position of Interim Head following Dr. Hagerman’s departure.  Mrs. Lundy laughs when she remembers telling the Board, “But I don’t know anything about budgets.”  To which they quickly replied, “Oh, but you’ll learn.” And learn she did.  She was soon to discover that a disorganized accounting system had left the school’s financial situation in disarray.  Along with the Board of Directors, she held together a crumbling school and fought hard for its very existence.  She and then Chair Polly Howser hired Dr. Herb Barks, who helped bring Hammond into the cutting edge of independent school practices. 
To this day, Mrs. Lundy continues to receive notes of appreciation from former graduates and fellow faculty members.  Hammond is never far from her heart or mind, but it is her heart that draws her back.  While she never imagined she would come full circle and become a Hammond grandparent, Adeline ‘22 and Worth Lundy ‘27 are Skyhawks, with Adeline set to turn the tassel in May. “This is such a wonderful place.  I’m so proud of how it has grown and changed, and I’m so proud to call myself a Hammond grandmother.”  The circle is complete. 