Lean forward and dive in.

The Upper School experience is all about active engagement and preparation for the next step in the journey. The classroom experience is characterized by a deep dive into every subject from computer science to global issues to writing. While academics takes the lead role, athletics, the arts, and service learning serve as the supporting cast.
Our students are chess champs, fierce mathletes, and National Merit Finalists.  Colleges know us by name.
The Upper School shares an expectation of excellence based on a commitment to honor. We believe in expanding comfort zones via trips to Costa Rica and whitewater rafting down the Nantahala. These experiential education opportunities help students develop confidence in themselves as citizens of a larger world. These same students achieve a 100% acceptance rate to colleges and universities across the country and abroad.
Hammond prepared means meeting the challenges of college and beyond with confidence in themselves and the kind of leaders the world will one day need.


List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Joseph Lumpkin

    Mr. Joseph Lumpkin III 

    Head of Upper School; Teacher, Mathematics
    (803) 776-0295
  • Photo of Jennifer Smith

    Mrs. Jennifer Smith 

    Administrative Assistant, Upper School