- William Haselden, Talon Society Member

"Hammond has provided a wonderful place for our daughter Sarah to thrive and grow. Lane and I felt it was important to ensure a legacy for future generations and chose to include Hammond in our estate plans by joining the Talon Society. The Talon Society helps to safeguard the Hammond experience for future generations."

Leaving Your Mark

How can you leave your mark on Hammond for future generations? By joining the Talon Society. Being a member of the Talon Society means naming Hammond as a beneficiary in your will, a life insurance policy or other planned giving vehicle. There is no cost involved now and will help sustain Hammond for the future.
Joining the Talon Society is easy! Once you complete your estate plans, please return a member profile information card to us. Your membership involves no dues, obligations, or solicitations, but it does allow us to thank and recognize you for the plans you have made.

The most important benefit you will receive from joining the Talon society is the satisfaction resulting from making an ever lasting contribution to the long-term success of Hammond. We hope it will inspire others.
For more information, please contact the Hammond Development Office and speak confidentially with Elaine Arnold (803) 399-9918.

3 Easy Ways to Join

List of 3 items.

  • Name Hammond in your will or on a life insurance policy.

  • Give stock and realize larger tax savings

  • Create a charitable gift annuity which provide you with a paycheck for life