Welcome Alumni!

Hello, Hammond Family,

Welcome, Hammond Alumni! As a fellow alum of Hammond, a former Hammond faculty member, and parent to a Hammond graduate, I am thrilled to be a part of the Advancement Office as your Alumni Engagement and Social Media Coordinator.
  • Attend an Alumni Event.
  • Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram, and Twitter.
  • Join our LinkedIn group.
  • Volunteer at an Alumni Event.
  • Serve on the Alumni Council.
  • Nominate a fellow alum to serve on the Alumni Council or for one of our Alumni Awards.
  • Submit your Updated Contact and Employment Information.
  • Reach out if you are planning a reunion and need assistance with invitations.
Please contact us anytime with your feedback, suggestions, and questions. We love hearing from you!

Stay in touch!

- Julie Hudson
Please contact us anytime at 803.695.8623, or jhudson@hammondschool.org. We want to stay in touch and hope to see you back at Hammond soon! 

List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Elaine Arnold

    Mrs. Elaine Arnold 

    Director of Institutional Advancement
    (803) 399-9918
  • Photo of Julie Hudson

    Mrs. Julie Hudson 

    Alumni Engagement & Social Media Coordinator
    (803) 695-8623