Making an Impact the Hammond Way

Cissy Pope
Community service at Hammond is a hallmark of the school experience that extends past graduation and occasionally draws alums together in support of a good cause. This summer found alumni, parents of alumni, faculty, and staff at Camp Cole providing dental services to children attending Camp Impact who are experiencing home displacement.
Bailey Lockwood ’17, a second-year dental student, conceived of and organized the dental service project that involved 15 dental students and several local dentists for oversight and support. In addition to planning the event, Bailey recruited the dental students and staff and ensured the clinic had the supplies needed to be successful.
According to Bailey, “I hope to make this an annual event in which MUSC dental students and local dentists come together to make a positive impact on the community. For next year’s event, I intend to also invite high school students interested in dentistry to help inspire the next generation of healthcare workers. I feel blessed and excited to work with such great colleagues and to finally begin to give back to a community that has given so much to me.”
Among the Hammond connections were Margaret Deans Fawcett Grantz ’09 of Camp Cole, Ferris Kennette deTreville ’09, Dr. Amy Green ’84, Amelia Green ’16, Bailey Lockwood ’17, Dr. Julia Mikell (parent of two alums), Kaycee Tompkins ’23, Olivia Turner (Camp Coordinator and parent of three alums), and Michael Turner (Hammond Dean of Students). In addition, many of the counselor positions for Camp Impact were also filled by Hammond current students and alums.